The story of how i ended up propagating geraniums in water by accident & luck!
Ok.. so let’s start from scratch. Some days ago, i was strolling through my favorite nursery when my eyes fell upon a pot of some really gorgeous hot pink geraniums. And as always, i wanted them right there and then. BUT those pots were for the flower show and could not be sold till then. I was heartbroken but i asked my friend who owns the nursery to PLEASE keep them on hold for me after the flower show (where i always linger around anyhow). She promised me she would, as they did not have any plant left for sale in that color.
Anyhow, fast forward a few days and one morning i opened my eyes to see the SAME color blooming right in my own garden from some plants i had purchased few days earlier.. talk about a “WOW” moment..
I really really thanked God and he has decided to reward me with multiple copies of this plant now in case one dies, gets stolen, is blown away by the wind, taken away by someone.. you get the idea..
To begin with, a small(read tiny) piece broke off at the base during handling one day and i just intuitively decided to plunk it back into the same pot, in case it decided to grow anyhow.. it did! While this one was sprouting new leaves and i was sitting next to it on a swing admiring the pink flowers, my swing swung too much hitting a rack in the front which in turn fell on the plant and the pink flowers i was admiring broke off with a long stem!
Now i did what a good gardener does: brought the flower indoors, split the stem into two nice pieces, kept the bottom leaves separately and planted two cuttings back into the same pot. Guess what, they are growing too!!
The leaves, i put into water and kept in a bottle so see if they grow roots. I have seen people rooting geraniums in water from cuttings as well as leaves so i am doing the same experiment for an ivy geranium too with a cutting and some leaves.
So now i while i have 11 pots of geraniums lined up on my balcony ready to bloom, i am also hoping for some new plants from cuttings and leaves to go into the same pots as my ivy geraniums.
P.S. If they do root from leaves as well, i swear my new addiction will be growing tons of geraniums from leaves.. i can already see it…. sheer madness!!
Read more about how i rooted coleus in water or carried tulsi, portulaca cuttings inter-city to root in water and grow successfully.
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