After 4 months of wait the passion flower has finally flowered!! Got some pics from home toay an now i just can’t wait to be home and witness the miracle!! omg i’m sooo excited!!


I’ve also started shopping for winter bulbs and from the long list i’ve been able to source Iris, Ranaculus and Hyacinth.. havent grown any of these before and they have been on my wish list since 2 yrs so i’m even more excited..

Also my fingers are dying to do some digging and sowing so i bought a pack of petunia and verbena seeds.. since 4 days i’ve been having this crazy urge to sow petunia seeds.. yes particularly PETUNIA.. maybe this is the effect of the hanging baskets pics i gaze at everyday.. so i’m going to do some sowing tom to satisfy this craving until i reach home on 25th to sow those 150 packets of seeds waiting for me.. i swear they have started coming in my dreams now:)

I’ve havent consulted any calender or climate to know if its the right season for sowing.. my inner voice just tells me it is! it always happens.. some sort of telepathy with the garden..

There are also new plants from Palampur that my grandpa brought.. cant wait to see them either.. they include mostly roses, astroemeria, geranium and begonias..

All in all i’m happy to welcome my favourite flowering season:)

Till next time.. Happy Gardening:)

3 thoughts on “FLOWER PASSION..

  • September 24, 2009 at 5:11 PM

    150 packets of seeds……unbelievable man do you even remember wat all seeds you hav???
    frm whr and for how much did you buy ranunculus and hyacinth bulbs….how big is your garden???

  • October 10, 2009 at 5:48 AM

    do u live in india or in pakistan?
    i like your step by step guide for petunias

  • November 21, 2009 at 8:52 PM

    I have a bad habit to disagree, but this time, I agree with some of the information presented.

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