I find germinating in baggies very cute.. a few months ago i’d experimented to see if i could get a hang of it.. getting positive results prompted me to try it out this season.. so apart from the seeds in containers i have a few in baggies which include nasturtium, diamorphotheca, lavender, viola, ballon flower and hyacinth bean.. chkdout yest to find out that diamorphotheca has come up truly well with the exception of two seeds..


now the ques arised of moving them.. since the seed is large enough to handle by hand, i simply filled a container with compost, sprinkled water and moved the srpouted seeds by hand on top of the medium.. followed by another covering of compost.. and now hoping they do well.. i tossed the other two sleeping seeds too in compost.. will keep it indoors overnight for the fear of freezing at night..

diamorphotheca-baggie-method-transfer1(this is before i covered the developing roots with compost and watered)

And here’s the germination in containers i mentioned yest..


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