Third and final round of seed-sowing accomplished.. i’m feelin so relieved.. i thought its a bit late as i’m

already seeing greenhouse pansies blooming but its nice to see all the effort showing green color(as in

germinating.. hehe)

Re-arrangement of conatiners has begun and oh what hard work it is!! need to revive the soil in

ALL of them.. going in for topsoil, leaf mould, perlite, cocopeat and bonemeal mix.. this has always provided good

results and i don’t really plan to alter it.. started with the wall planters and the area beneath.. impatiens,

begonia and geranium is my choice this season.. all in pinks.. and beneath it i have only 6 shallow containers so

that everythng is visible and clutter-free.. as mc’donalds says.. I’m lovin it 🙂

The window boxes on the wall(irony ;)) took me 2 hrs to set but totally worth the back-breaking.. good old

geraniums in various colors.. ooooh i cant wait fr the burt of color.. ths season i have laid my hands on pretty

good colors so i’m very excited.. also as the impatiens seedlings continue to grow, the impatient gardener in me

cant wait to admire the beauty.. so i have 3 plants from the nurseries already.. and what a delight they are!!

I’ve planted the orange and peach together and hoping they become best friends and mingle soon..

Also the sweet peas that i sowed in delhi have come up well.. Hope to get a pic soon as i’m in ludhiana currently..

The herb basket is doing gr8 too and i coudnt resist tasting a cute lil lettuce leaf..

One mystery that baffles me is that everytime i sow seeds it rains cats n dogs n pigs n sheep n elephants the

following night.. 3 containers were left out and they so totally filled up with water.. drying out time for them..

I’ve also started transplanting and the first ones to go in pots were the first ones to come up.. right now 2

ipomeas, 3 dahlias and corkscrew vine are happily setlled in their containers.. and now that i knwo the potting mix

is ok.. i’m going to transplant the rest tom.. and then as they grow they go(in planters of course)

This season i’m attempting a lot of new stuff and one of them includes trying to grow carnations from flower

stocks.. googling pon the topic produced a lot of positive and begative results and till i try n succeed or fail

(hope not.. fingers crossed) i can’t give my verdict on whether it works or not.. but something in me tells me its

gonna be a success.. so i went all out today.. got 12 different kinds of carnations.. inaugurated a new flower vase

and tomorrow the cuttings go into soil.. fingers crossed! right now they are looking gorgeous in that vase!! 2

yellow ones that i stole( with permission) from a bouquet that my grandpa got are already in soil.. 3 days gone and

they do not look shiriveled so far.. lets wait n watch n in the meantime.. Simply Enjoy.. thats the joy of ths

colorful hobby isnt it..

2 thoughts on “

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