Some petunias opened their eyes today..
And these still continue to grow in ascending order..
This time petunias are coming up in conatiners where i dnt rem planting
them.. neither did i do the mix ‘n’ match they have done
themselves.. but it looks pretty good.. petunias with nemesia..
also just like last yr i thought they havent germinated.. but
surprise.. i noticed them wen they were already good sized
seedlings healthy and lush w/o any care.. now who minds that.. i
never had to transplant.. they came up at perfect places.. no
doubt.. i love petunias!!
The small containers that i planted with marigold and phlox are
doing well too except the last one.. i have planted it twice.. the
soil mix is same.. the care is same.. but it still won’t hold a
Also the seeds that i planted in ground are sprouting.. sunflowers
being the earliest.. so i have removed the very heavy greenhouse
cloth and replaced it with normal cloth that will allow in filtered
light.. the seedlings need space so it has been raised by bricks..
and next to it i have hung the greenhouse cloth on a wire to
prevent direct light whch will dry up the set-up..
The seeds in containers have not sprouted yet but i can see
adequate moisture so no problem on that account..
Also started some seeds indoors which i did not want to grow in
large nos.. also its fun doing this so as u can see the set-up i
have plastic containers labelled and filled with cocopeat.. after
the seeds were sown i covered with sand according to light
requirements.. and just to experiment i used ice-trays and put 1-2
seeds in each comparment.. right now i have two lights placed over
it out of which one isnt working properly so will have to get it
repaired tom.. my hopes are high!!
hai mam very intersting
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