While the sun has been busy baking us in this heat, i have been busy saving this hydrangea from the harsh rays. As opposed to the hydrangea last year which I’d got as a small plant, this one was bought by my grandfather from Palampur who nurtured it for many years at our home there, before he transported it to Ludhiana on my insistence.
I have been lusting after hydrangeas ever since i saw them in my childhood and was always told that they can’t bloom in the harsh heat of Punjab. Well, have a look for yourself. It’s fluctuating between 33-47 deg Celsius here, water is scarce, the pot is outdoors and gets almost full sunshine, the buds developed after it was bought here and here is the progress….
Bottom line? It’s blooming!! It’s lush and i want to dance in joy when i look at the flowers. When its done blooming, i plan to make a few cuttings and ready them in my greenhouse for the next year. Oh, by the way, the greenhouse is now all cleaned of the winter debris and is ready and waiting ( and inviting) for the glory of monsoon plants
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Wonderful job, Yasmeen. It’s really remarkable what you’ve been able to do. I haven’t been able to get anywhere near such results even in Bangalore’s cool climate.
Thanks a ton Jeanne ( nice name ) I have craved for this hydrangea for long and i am glad it decided to go along with my plans.. plants have a brain of their own and i feel they respond more to love than to weather
Tell me something about your garden too..
Really amazing, Yasmeen.
I live in Bangalore too and i am particularly interested in Jeanne’s comment:
haven’t been able to get anywhere near such results even in Bangalore’s cool climate.
I have recently bought a hydrangea plant in a pot, but it is not doing well at all. The leaves are getting a whitish coating and they do not look too healthy.
Jeanne, are u growing yours in a pot? What kind of fertilizers do u put?
An enthusiastic hydrangea fan,