What’s up in my garden – Updates & Planning
As soon as September knocks on the door, the winter gardening madness begins. There’s just so much to do suddenly after the summer lull! Sep. is like the Diwali of gardening world. We all get down to making lists, cleaning, prepping up and looking forward to the colorful days ahead! And not to forget – Marigolds!! Talking of them, the first blooms of the season are here.. They definitely seem happy in their home- a railing planter that i’m contemplating adding more of!
Even though coleus season is almost gone, i still can’t stop propagating them in water. More than a need, it has become fun for me- and hey, you’re supposed to have fun gardening, isn’t it?!
Speaking of fun, i’m currently having a lot of it attaching my vines & creepers to walls using a new technique.. well, you should expect an interior designer to come up with something like this! It involves those little nail hooks and a kitchen ladle ( i don’t own a hammer actually ;-P). Apart from the satisfaction this gives me, it also gets me amusing looks from my mali… I’ve trained him too to tie small branches together with zipties instead of threads & ribbons… well hey, whatever works!

So the balloon plant is growing very well and rewarding me with seeds in abundance. And just love the way they form a pod and then it opens up into a fuzz ball.Can’t stop clicking!
As in evident in my previous post on teacup planters & on facebook, i am currently in love with my succulents again. I have been cleaning, diving, propagating and discovering hidden gems. Take this one for example.. I thought it’s only 1-2 baby plants.
When i explored the pot, i found ALL this… Imagine my joy! They have all been planted at a new place now. Usually i do such propagation tasks in a pot that already has a plant. This is my simple space saving idea in the garden. Also, the cuttings are not forgotten about.
I’ve also taken a few more leaf cuttings to propagate in soil & experiment with water.

I’ve also been doing this with my succulents.. planting them in every broken kitchen bowl I can find..
Also this.. I have no clue what am I trying to achieve by putting a shriveled string of bananas in water, but i’m eager to know what happens. It would die anyhow.. why not die hydrated, if at all!
It is also now time to clean out the spent summer blooms & refresh the pots for winters. My summer strategy this season consisted of planting portulaca in abundance since it is so easy and heat tolerant. I must say, that they put up a excellent show! See it for yourself HERE. Since the blooms are now almost gone and i don’t plan to make seeds (I need space for chrysanthemums), they have now been cleared, until next year.

I have been collecting eggshells again, but in a better shape now. This season, I plan to start some seeds in eggshells and see if benefits in any manner. The tutorial will be up soon. I do know that one advantage of this is no need to transplant and of-course the nutrients. Let’s see if there’s more to it.
These stands are a new addition to the garden. They go under the pots and not around them since i prefer the look more. I got these custom made from Ludhiana from my regular supplier and I’m HAPPY because it’s all now neat and easy to clean under the pots.. the maid is mighty pleased too!
I’ve also received a few gifts and snagged some
These tin containers once held drinks my hubby and sis bought. They are from Milkshake & Co. and every time someone buys(family obvs.) buys a drink, the container is mine.. to do what.. make a guess… of-course!! Turn it into a planter!
It is also funny that instead of me, my family is usually gifted garden gloves by people, who then naturally pass them on to me. These are the latest addition, given by my sis and i absolutely love the quality. They are washable, quick dry and washing machine friendly.
I also received this awesome seed parcel from my favorite seed brand BIOCARVE SEEDS and i absolutely love the surprise!! They also took care to send across what was missing from my orders. How thoughtful!!
My NURSERYLIVE order has also arrived, which was made for the sole purpose of reviewing this website. A post on that will be up soon!
That’s it for the weekend folks! See ya buddies again soon..
Till then,