While i absolutely love vacations(who doesn’t though), i absolutely dislike reaching back home at
night, for two reasons:
1. I am too sleepy to unpack(i’m a shopaholic and always bring back “something”)
2. I can’t go out to verify the exact status of the garden and check on how my plants have been
doing or been watered well in my absence(the maid has been assigned this duty in my absence)
So today was one of those mornings when i couldn’t wait to rush out for my garden survey, only
to be hit in the face by spiderwebs everywhere!! It rained the previous night and was still
cloudy leading me to make elaborate gardening plans, only to be greeted with spiders and mealy
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So what comes in handy at such times, is the recipe that i am going to share for effectively
getting rid of garden pests and webs and bugs.. It is not a formula i discovered, but read at
numerous sites so i really do not know who to give the credit to. Anyhow, here goes a pictorial
with a text recipe to follow..

2 whole heads garlic, peeled
3 cups mint leaves
2 tsp. dry chillies/powder
Grind mint and garlic using a little water. Pour in a large pan with 2 lts. water and chillies.
Boil the life out of it and let it cool overnight/all day. Filter, add a few drops of dish soap
and spray in the evening(or no sunshine day). Watch the pests disappear.
*For mealy bugs, add some neem oil.
Since i have the bad habit of eyeballing ingredients for cooking, i did the same here. Also, i
just skipped the step of peeling garlic since we will filter the final mix anyhow. It always turns out
fine despite some tweaking and needless to say, extremely effective.
So this is another use of mint i forgot to mention in my earlier post.
Do share your experience if you happen to try it!
No need to dilute. Directly we can spray the 2l solution
Yes, there is no need to dilute. Just filter and spray.